PCT - 10th anniversary

According to the changelog, the first version of PCT was released on June 6th, 2003. Although it's a simple project, it changed the way many companies are working with OpenEdge. Some facts about PCT :

  • It started as a side project when I was working for Phenix Engineering, dealing with multiple combinations of the same product, on version 9 and 10, Linux and Windows, and OpenEdge / Oracle / SQL Server databases
  • While the first version was released on June 6th, the first commit in the repository is only from July 28th
  • The first patch by an external contributor was committed on November 3rd 2003 by Flurix (don't know his real name, or the company)
  • The first version included PCTCompile, PCTCreateBase, PCTLibrary, PCTLoadSchema and PCTDumpSchema tasks. No PCTRun at this time.
  • The first unit tests were committed on October 26th, 2003 : 7 tests for this first commit
  • There are now more than 230 unit tests, multiplied by 7 test platforms, so approximately 1600 test cases for each build
  • There was no Hudson, no Jenkins in 2003. PCT was compiled every night on a Pentium (60 MHz or so) sitting under my desk
  • As of today, there were 1358 commits (a bit more a commit every 3 days, not a very big project !)
  • I included some statistics on PCT usage in September 2009, to know if it was worth working on PCT. I don't remember the exact results, but they were good enough to continue...
  • The latest build of PCT (released mid-March) was downloaded 160 times. Not bad for an OpenEdge only dev toolkit.
  • I will create a 1.0 (or 10.0 ?) version to celebrate this anniversary
  • In the mean time, I released 18 versions from 2003 to 2011...
  • And a bit less than 40 continuous integration builds since 2011
  • Under the hood, more than 200 builds from the test repository
  • PCT started on SourceForge, and migrated to Google Code and Mercurial (unknown date, I'd say in 2009 or 2010)
  • The first time PCT was presented in a public conference was the German PUG event in 2009 (along with Padeo, a deployment solution for OpenEdge, using MSI installers)
  • Multi-threaded compilations were introduced in 2007 because I needed a test project to play with Java synchronization mechanisms. I never really expected people would use it, and was a bit surprised when the first bug reports came in
  • PCT will be a foundation of a brand new source code analysis project, based on Sonar Source. A preview can be seen here
  • If you're working with PCT (or not) and would like to improve it : you can test it, report bugs, suggest improvements, provide patches... You can also correct my bad english in the documentation. 

As the 1.0 (or 10.0) version will be released during the US PUG Challenge, I'll be happy to share a drink with PCT users and contributors ! And on the good side of the ocean :-) I'll be happy to do the same during the EU PUG Challenge !

  1. Great piece of software! I think this is helping a lot for doing CI with Progress and Ant.

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